Between 35–38 percent of our undergraduate students become members; this varies throughout the year because of recruitment, 毕业, 等.

招聘 is a mutual selection process during which students interested in joining a fraternity or sorority have the opportunity to meet members of various chapters and learn more about the organizations’ ideals.

皇冠投注网实行延期招聘, meaning that students may not affiliate until they have successfully completed at least one semester of coursework in a degree program. The primary recruitment period for Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association chapters is in January during the week prior to the start of the spring semester. 参与, 学生必须在学术上符合条件,不得在大学试用. 需要提前注册. 符合条件的学生也可以在学年期间参加公开招聘.

全国泛希腊理事会 (NPHC) fraternities and sororities will observe separate recruitment calendars. These organizations also require candidates to have successfully completed a minimum number of hours with a minimum GPA. 欲了解更多信息,请联系兄弟会或姐妹会生活办公室.

The primary recruitment period for IFC and Panhellenic chapters takes place during the last week of the holiday break in  early January.  本周内, interested students may participate in organized recruitment events designed to introduce students to all Interfraternity and Panhellenic Council member chapters. 需要提前注册.

NPHC citywide chapters typically do not participate in 皇冠投注’s IFC or Panhellenic formal recruitment by choice. 每个全市分会都有单独的招聘日程表. Contact information for each of the citywide chapters is available from the Office of Fraternity and Life.

Fraternity and sorority houses are private residences and do not provide unlimited access to non-members. 客人应该尊重这些生活环境, 和其他学生宿舍一样.

Open recruitment can occur in the spring (following the primary recruitment week) and/or the fall semester. 你可能也听说过这被称为COB(连续公开招标). Individual chapters may choose to participate in recruitment at these times if the chapter is below its desired number. Each chapter is responsible for planning and publicizing its own open recruitment events. A 皇冠投注 student must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 credit hours to participate in these informal recruitment periods.

Joining a fraternity or sorority usually increases a students chance for academic success. 大多数分会都有很强的学术项目来帮助培养, 还有奖励, 学术成就. 许多分会遵守学习时间,鼓励学习小组和辅导. 通常,学校鼓励学生为本学期设定学业目标. 奖学金也有机会.

印第安纳州法规, Interfraternity, 泛希腊和NPHC政策, national/international organizational policies and University policy all prohibit students from engaging in any activity that may be considered hazing. 皇冠投注网关于欺侮的声明 是否可供您审阅. 皇冠投注不能容忍欺侮. 而不是, new members develop bonds with and learn about their chapter through educational programming, 章事件, 慈善项目. Fraternities and sororities have learned that members are much more productive and enthusiastic when they are positively motivated and educated, 而不是迷惘和消沉.

The decision to drink or not to drink is one that every college student must make for him/herself. 许多学生, 包括附属的和非附属的, choose to abstain from using alcohol and find their college experiences just as enjoyable. The 皇冠投注 University fraternity and sorority community has a strict alcohol policy which regulates the consumption of alcohol at events. 每个兄弟会和姐妹会都会对新成员进行有关酒精政策的教育, 以及相关的个人责任和安全问题.

兄弟会和姐妹会的成员会有一些强制性的承诺, 如分会会议等活动. Time commitments for new members is an excellent topic of conversation during recruitment events. 而学业成绩是主要的关注点, 兄弟会和姐妹会参加各种各样的活动, 包括社交活动, 日期函数, 慈善活动, 同学会, 还有许多其他的校园活动. Participation in these events is highly encouraged because it gives members an opportunity to meet students from other chapters and teaches the importance of time management.

Fraternities and sororities will offer you the opportunity to excel both within your chapter and on campus. All members are encouraged to take an active role within the chapter ranging from serving on committees to committee chairmanships to executive offices. 此外,学校有150多个学生组织可供你参加. Fraternity and sorority members are involved in nearly every aspect of these activities and can encourage fellow members take active roles in campus leadership.


  • 完成至少12个学分
  • Minimum cumulative GPA equivalent to either the minimum GPA requirement of the respective organization or the respective council (2.泛希腊章节5分(请注意,许多章节可能有更高的要求),2分.IFC分会5张,NPHC分会根据各组织要求而定)
  • 不在学校进行学术或行为见习
  • Each fraternity/sorority property is owned by an alumni/ae corporation board or national corporation board. 房屋合同是在学生和房屋公司之间签订的.
  • 只有二年级的学生, 初中, 高年级学生可以住在兄弟会/姐妹会的房子里, 由大学批准.
  • 不能保证所有会员都有住房. Each organization has an independent process for determining which members will receive the opportunity to live in its facility.
  • 所有房屋公司都必须雇用一名住家主管.
  • To support the educational mission of the University and residential environment of the surrounding neighborhood, 各分会及其成员必须遵守下列准则:
    • 园林绿化和房屋外观将定期维护.
    • 垃圾箱和周边区域将保持清洁卫生.
    • Music and noise will be kept at reasonable levels and comply with local noise ordinances.
    • Business activities may not be conducted on chapter house lawns or in chapter parking lots.
    • 分会及其成员将对投诉作出适当回应.
    • Chapter members will be respectful of the rights of others who are trying to sleep and study.